- Why do I need an inspection?
The purchase or sale of real property is commonly referred to one of the biggest financial investments a family can make. Understanding the conditions as they currently exists should assist you in your decision to move forward.
- What is a Home Inspection?
An inspection is a visual examination of the accessible structure, plumbing, HVAC and electrical systems installed. Some companies provide a separate roof inspection. However, according to the ASHI Standards of Practice the roof is a part of a routine inspection. A written report will be provided by the end of the following day.
- Can I inspect the home myself?
First of all, according the ASHI Code of Ethics, no inspector shall inspect a home that they have an interest in. Even if you are not an inspector are you really being non-biased?
- How much can I expect to pay?
For a single family residence, under 1800 square feet the minimum charge $545. Our pricing is structured on square footage, age and type of residence. Once the details of the inspection have been provided, we can provide a direct quote of cost.
- When should I request an inspection?
If for a seller the inspection should be scheduled 3-4 weeks prior to the anticipated placing of the home on the market. The advantage is if repairs are needed, you will have plenty of time to retain the appropriate contractor. If you are purchasing a home, it is recommended you contact us as soon as possible. Typically 5-7 days ahead can be enough for homes less than 3000 square feet. Larger homes will require more time to inspect and in some cases can take a full day.
- Will the home receive a pass/fail?
No. No home is problem free, even those that are brand new. A professional inspection is simply an examination into the current condition of the subject property. It is not an appraisal or code enforcement inspection. You will be provided with details on what may need upgrades, repairs or when operated is considered as functional.
- What should you do with the report findings?
If repairs are recommended or something needs a more detailed evaluation, it would be prudent to retain the recommended contractor or otherwise qualified specialist. While we generally will recommend repairs, many can be done either prior to you moving in or during a relatively short time frame after you’ve moved in. As the inspector for advice on how soon the condition should be addressed.
- Why do I need an inspection?
- What is a Home Inspection?
- Can I inspect the home myself?
- How much can I expect to pay?
- When should I request an inspection?
- Will the home receive a pass/fail?
- What should you do with the report findings?